Natural Remedies to Strengthen Weak Nails


1. Olive Oil

One of the most versatile commodities that you will ever come across with endless health advantages is olive oil. In the same way, olive oil works powerfully to penetrate, moisturize and nourish, and repair your nails. Full of Vitamin E olive oil helps in boosting your nail care. Just soak your nails in olive oil for 8 – 10 minutes every day and watch the magic unfold. A few drops of tea tree oil can also be added into it.

Olive Oil

2. Green Tea

Green tea is a great source of antioxidants, which can help to nourish weak, brittle nails. Make yourself a cup of green tea, then leave it to cool down to a cooler temperature. As soon as it gets lukewarm, insert your nails in the solution for 10–15 minutes. You will get incredible results, if you repeat this nail treatment at least 2 times a week.

Green Tea

3. Jojoba Oil

Fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals: There are a lot of all these in jojoba oil, which makes this oil one of the most potent to help nails become thicker and stronger. Take two drops of jojoba oil and rub them on the nails and nails around, for 2 or 3 minutes.

Jojoba Oil

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is not just a great culinary asset, but also acts as a remedy to weak and brittle nails as it is filled with calcium, iron, vitamins and potassium. Mix up 1 part vinegar and 1 part water, then soak your fingers in this solution for several minutes. Do this daily for a couple of weeks and you would see your nails getting straighter and your cuticles becoming softer.

Apple Cider Vinegar

5. Orange Juice

There is nothing that can be as effective to your nails as the citrus that orange juice contains. Vitamin C encourages collagen production and keeps your nails as strong as ever. Squeeze some fresh orange juice and directly dip it on your nails. Apply for more than 5 minutes and rinse it off using a mild face wash. You could also replace orange with juice of lemon.

Orange Juice

6. Vaseline

Brittle nails are often related to the dryness of the body. Even if you have the habit of making a little nail polish, you would have customarily noticed your nails dry so much faster. Apply Vaseline nightly onto your nails to prevent your nails from cracking, and also to keep them moisturized.


7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil & its antioxidant effect- It is a beneficial antioxidant with antibacterial and antifungal properties that shield your nails against free radical consequences. Rub coconut oil onto the nails and surrounding skin until it is absorbed.

Coconut Oil

8. Milk

If your nails are troubled with more issues like peeling or splitting, then there is nothing better to resolve it than 5 minutes of immersing your nails in a bowl of warm milk. The calcium from the milk will finish by giving your nails a whiter look. If you even want to give your nails a run for their money then throw in a little extra egg yolks and the protein will do its magic.


9. Vitamin E

Not only are your nails but your nail bed itself can also benefit from vitamin E oil. It mends the nails that are broken and also weakens the cuticle. Immunity along with better blood circulation can also help in increasing the rate of growth of nails. Then, apply it directly to your nail and nail beds, allowing it to soak in until fully absorbed.

Vitamin E

10. Sea Salt

We all know the therapeutic benefits of seas salt though it originated from Korea a lot of times we use this to add in the bath too. Mix approximately 4 teaspoons of sea salt into warm water and a dash of wheat germ oil. If you don’t have wheat germ oil in hand, you can skip that part. And after 10 minutes put your nails in this liquid and see results.

Sea Salt

Into the subject of brittle nails, there is never a reason for treatments that fall under expensive brands, resembling expensive-brand-cream. So go and search your pantry/cupboard; pull all these easy things out and start to give your nails a head start on the healing process.

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