10 Reasons Your Manicure Doesn’t Last and Tips to Make It Stay Longer


1. Wash Your Hands Before Doing Your Nails

In fact, the hand is washed in the water can absorb some moisture, resulting in the nail expands. Hence, everything else is well with the manicure, nails are not hydrated in that manner, which leads to the shrinkage of the nails. It means your nail polish no longer sits well on your nails and can easily chip away. Before a manicure, the best way to keep them dry is.

You Wash Your Hands Pre-Manicure

2. You Love Using Sanitizers

Staying germs-free is all good, but using too many sanitizers could ruin your dream of the everlasting manicures. Sanitizers that contain alcohol have a drying effect on the nails and nail polish, making them ready to chip and lose color. Another option is to go germ-free with a mild hand soap and warm water.

You Love Using Sanitizers

3. Your Nails Aren’t Hydrated

Similar to your skin, if there is not enough moisture your nails can crack and peel. Your nails need to be properly hydrated if they are to appear fresh. To prevent your enamel from drying out and split from the nail polish (5).

Your Nails Aren’t Hydrated

4. You Say You Never Wear Gloves While Washing Dishes

Gloves protect your hands and also your manicure! Well, by washing the dishes without gloves, the water and soap dry your manicure. With dry out — boring appearing and damaged nails. Thus, we suggest you buy a good quality pair of gloves.

You Don't Use Gloves While Washing Dishes


Now, if you never knew this, put it in your mind now. Your manicure partially dries in 12 hours. This can result in your hands being more prone to smudges and chips if subjected to excess heat in this time frame.

Your Hands Are Exposed To Heat

6. You Aren’t Getting Enough Nutrients From Your Diet

You see, your genes (and diet) can play a significant role in the efficacy with which nutrients are absorbed by the body, and your nails respond just like every other body part. In order to strengthen your nails, promote nail growth, and prevent your nails from becoming brittle, it is essential that you are taking proper protein and biotin supplements. You also need to keep your cuticles moisturized and also your nails, so drink plenty of water.

Your Diet Doesn’t Contain Enough Nutrients

7. You Rock An Active Lifestyle

There’s really nothing you can do about your manicure mugging you if you live a really active lifestyle — you know, like hitting the gym, and the concretes, more often than the ground. But you might still opt for some nude shade or a transparent gloss that would help to disguise the chips and nicks. If you want to be extra, throw on a layer or two of glitter and anything sparkly.

You Rock An Active Lifestyle

8. You Blow Your Nails Dry

Manis are fresh outta the salon and it is just human nature to blow on our nails. But, trust me, do not do it unless you are doing so over a nice drink after dinner. As mentioned before, being nail polishes, they are quite sensitive to heat and humidity. Hence you need to choose a cool fan and go for your Manicure at a cool place. Make sure to always keep your nail polishes somewhere dry and dark.

You Blow Your Nails Dry

9. Your Nail Beds Are Too Oily

You are aware of oily skin on face but oily nail beds are exist. When the nail beds are oily it can lead to chips at the base of the nail plate. To keep your nails healthy, you may incorporate a ridge filler or nail strengthener into your daily routine.

Your Nail Beds Are Too Oily

10. Maybe Your Salon Is Not For You

Clearly, a manicure in a corner salon would be inexpensive and fast, of course. But it would also impact your manicure and how long it lasts. Cheap salons tend to use lower quality products, which can really damage your nails. In this instance, it is always better to cling to a new go-to salon.

Your Salon Might Not Be The Right Fit

Hope you enjoyed these tips. So, now let us catch a wave hello to those lovely nails!

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