What Your Favorite Lipstick Color Says About Your Personality


1. Pink

And the girls in pink shade are pretty kind. They are most often cute and sweet girls, with a touch of naivety and softness. And, unfortunately, a little too tender sometimes. They are wonderful friends with whom you can confide in and have come to trust completely. Don’t mistake their honey for weakness, though. Many doing pink lipstick that is big and strong women!



2. Nude

You could say the girls who opt for that timeless hue steer clear of attention. They might be a bit shy, but once you get to know one, you will find that she is sweet, and fun to hang out with. When it comes to friends, they will always go for quality over quantity. Just a few lots of real and close friends are better! Above all, those ladies absolutely love seeing their friends and family happy. They will even select the comfort of home sweet house over different events. Actually, cute things especially other animals are existent for those misses. Someone left a Youtube page open with puppies on it again?



3. Plum

That subtle shade is just so for those one of a kind, strong women. They have a godly taste, especially when it comes to their wardrobe, which is why everyone asks them for fashion advice. Now, they are indeed people who love being with others, but this does not mean they do not like their own space every now and then and let us be honest here, who can blame them?



4. Coral

Well, women who favour the delightful and vibrant lipstick colour are jolly and bubbly chics. They love hanging with their buddies and their family. If they care about you, they will follow you anywhere. Their laughter and joie de vivre could make anyone else in the room natural enemies of your vice, and those girls are outdoor junkies. They never stop searching for the next adventure. Especially when it includes being outdoors, and more importantly outdoors close to nature!



5. Red

Girls who opt for a classic statement red lipstick are fiery and bold. They’re wise and ambitious because they know their value. They will take greater risk than the rest and with gusto because they will not accept being ignored. Little chronic breather and not-doer thankfully helped them know they deserved far greater than that. You go, girls. These girls in red are also very social!



6. Peach

It’s a very simple hint that the girl is a soft, warm and happy soul. Notice that girls with the peach shade are so cheerful and smiling. Whatever they can, they will do to cheer the person up and they will be successful because of their jovial nature. They will not think twice of putting the needs of others over their own. So no surprise if you find those bright girls helping sad people and people in need from the charity work. They are amazing!



7. Purple

If you want sound advice from someone who is relaxed and logical then head to a girl in plum lipstick. For the no drama queen lady who will do whatever it takes to nip that in the bud, fiery personality. No matter how petty of a problem it is, they will help out their friend or family member. Isnt it great to always have people like this who are kind to each others face and never is a problem to anybody!



8. Natural

They’re sensible and casual women’s predilection. They are generally dependable girls who appreciate their usual situation and are cautious with high levels of transformation. Too much on their plate, and over make-up is not their thing, but they do know how to maintain themselves. They will apply a nice balm or chapstick if they’re needing to move on.



9. Mauve

The mauve is the hue for the enigmatic girls. Normally, they are perfect and personnel women having big dreams and nothing will make them behind and distract them from them. They do NOT fear strength, dominance, and authority — it will never balloon into their craniums. His friend circle is small, but that is also a great thing They tend to be solitary, especially with their secrets. They can blow your freaking mind.



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