Effective Hair Growth Tips and Tricks to Prevent Thinning Naturally

The Benefits of Green Tea
Those who didn’t realise they are missing out will; green tea is the hair remedy the world needed. The antioxidant tea, which comes with several health benefits such as heart disease risk reduction and fat burning capacity, has now also come up as an incredible hack to stop hair loss and even strengthen and fortify our hair. Basically green tea is an antioxidant so when you apply it to your hair and scalp it makes hair feel rejuvenated and in fact it has taken bacteria and germs out of our roots.

Apart from a host of other nutrients, green tea is also a water-soluble Vitamin B or biotin rich food, which has been touted as an antidote for hair loss among many others.
Did You Know That Your Hair Is Full Of Toxic Metals? Here’s What to Do About It
Little did we know that for decades, real metal deposits in our hair from washing with tap water. A poor chemical reaction occur when our over-metalized hair have close encounters with oxidants ie when we color or bleach our hair, thus leading to damaged, fragile and ultimately broken hair. A very recent hair hack for soft and healthy beautiful hair is metal detox–products that contains element which neutralize metals!

Yup, human placenta is being heralded as the latest ‘hack’ in hair growth and rejuvenation. Plopping on placenta is a gigantic leap from mayonnaise, but weirdly, one study found that human placenta may actually be beneficial for chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Interestingly, the results showed that human placenta instead stimulated new hair growth! Animal, not human, placenta certainly, but there are hair products in the marketplace today that include placenta.
Genuine Hair Growth Renewing Placenta
Yup, human placenta is being heralded as the latest ‘hack’ in hair growth and rejuvenation. Plopping on placenta is a gigantic leap from mayonnaise, but weirdly, one study found that human placenta may actually be beneficial for chemotherapy-induced alopecia. Interestingly, the results showed that human placenta instead stimulated new hair growth! Animal, not human, placenta certainly, but there are hair products in the marketplace today that include placenta.

What is it about placenta? According to scientists, placenta extract speeds up the process of cell division and the expression of growth factors, and when incorporated into hair products, placenta extract takes on the role of an emollient – softening and hydrating. A win!
Look down, hang your head up side down, get the blood going
Secret Tip # 1 This is the simplest — blood circulation! Because the simple act of turning our head upside down sends more blood and circulation up to our hair follicles, helping to stimulate hair growth. The phenomenon of the newest hair hack (known as the Inversion Method) has not been, nor has it NOT been, scientifically proven! – by science, but Internet users assure that it works. To test it out, one must lie on their back with their head hanging over the side of a bed or couch and then massage some hair loving oil into the scalp whilst hanging.

The Inversion method — not advocating hanging upside down all day, okay — at most a few minutes a day, and just the head!
Cayenne Pepper — A More Than Spice
Now, you might think that this is just another hot spice on the shelf, but hold on! Cayenne pepper has been used for centuries in herbal medicine, and over the last few years, its’ spicy profile has heated-up in the fields of hair loss prevention and hair growth! Capsaicin in the pepper plant Or cayenne pepper, has been experimental treatments in Japan. Cayenne pepper was then tested on alopecia sufferers, and it was decided the therapies were working to stimulate hair growth.

So save some of that cayenne pepper for the next time you’re making tacos for a kickass hair mask or oil!
Treat your scalp to massages every day
The scalp massages however go a long way to benefit us which we had little idea of! The fingertips – not the nails! — and from the nape of the neck, working fingers up various columns of the body. Make sure to massage it in an upward direction for about 5 minutes each time. We have an abundance of ‘scalp massage’ devices available, but our stinking fingers do the best job at increasing circulation and aiding hair growth!

So yes, you can absolutely do your scalp massages in the shower—nothing like some efficient multi-tasking to help you save on time in your hair routine.
Untreated elbow capsular lesions show improvement with topical Vicks VapoRub treatment within six weeks
Tried and remember, used, many, many kooky and bizarre items. This isn’t the first time people have died, literally, in the name of beauty, and this one is no exception. Vicks VapoRub is more of a household name when it comes to soothing a chesty cough or sore muscles, but ladies across the Internet are applying Vicks to their edges and hairlines and getting results ranging from some to major hair growth in as little as five weeks. It turns out menthol, eucalyptus and camphor — the key Vicks components — are a holy grail combination for scalp growth and hair stimulation in certain hair types apparently.

We love this concept because it is very simple – Vicks VapoRub is inexpensive and readily available in all drugstores, making this trendy hair hack accessible to anyone who can get their hands on it!
Use the gold guidelines for blow-drying to avoid hair loss
So, you might say that the biggest player on the haircare field when it comes to hair hacks for stopping your locks from falling out is heat. The most damage done to our hair comes from that which lets our hair ‘look’ its best (blow-drying or irons). Golden Rules of Blow-Drying Hair Never blow-dry hair that is soaking wet Never blow-dry hair without a heat protective spray or serum (because the process is damaged to clear hair), Remove the nozzle of a blow-dryer (or keep it 1-2 inches away)

Other golden rules include: isolating hair when blow-drying, using the correct blow-dryer on specific types of hair, and using the proper brush to blow-dry with.
These Oils That Promote Hair Growth Are The Best-Kept Secret Of Women
A massage is a heavenly experience, especially where the head, scalp, and neck are concerned! Not only is it super relaxing, but it also provides myriad health benefits — yes, even for hair health — with just a bit of a scalp massage. Scalp massage helps in hair growth especially when massaged with certain oils that are hair friendly. Massage is one of the things our bodies will do well blood circulation, and it is a good things, right.

Cold-pressed oils for homemade hair and scalp massage are lavender, coconut, and jojoba to name a few. Put on a few drops on scalp, then massage with the fingertips lightly. Bliss.
Medicated prescription shampoos are well-known for their hair restoration benefits, but even natural caffeine shampoo can work as good.
Perhaps a cup of java in the morning is the perfect wake-up call to stir the body out of sleep — and maybe it can do the same for our hair! Not just common coffee but caffeine will also be there in the tea, matcha, and chocolate and might also be the secret to reversing hair loss. Caffeine is also a stimulant to our nervous systems and circulation, and increased blood flow is fundamental to enhancing hair growth. The most fascinating thing about the hair and caffeine connection is that they recommend caffeine be applied to hair and scalp topically for the best results.

In 2017, a scientific study into the effectiveness of hair loss and growth concluded that prescribed male alopecia medicated treatments and ‘natural’ caffeine shampoo led to almost identical results!
I also wanted to talk about avoiding sun damage.
The sun is not the first thing that comes to mind when discussing hair loss — however it is one of the one of the top culprits causing injury to our hair. Natural lipids (fats) in our hair that hold moisture are further digested as sun rays hit our feed and allowed to dry, making hair frizz. In addition, the sun can also gradually change the color of our hair so in order to preserve those lovely lowlights, professionals advise wearing a hat in the sun at all times.

They also advised staying out of the sun at its peak times and putting SPF on your scalp.
Antifungal Monistat 7 Is Not Just for Yeast Infections (yes, Really)
It’s a bizarre hair hack out there that people apparently rave about for hair loss (yes, beyond mayonnaise and VapoRub) —Monistat 7, an antifungal cream used for yeast infections. Yes, you read that right. The science part: miconazole nitrate (the active ingredient in Monistat 7) is an antifungal used to normally treat fungal infections. Perhaps this topical treatment—combined with olive oil—could have something to do with this hysteria, as microbes and fungi do indeed exist on our scalp—so maybe it’s not as ‘out there’ as everyone thinks?

At the same time, you have to remember there is still no clinical evidence that Monistat 7 helps hair grow!! But that hasn’t stopped a lot of people on the internet from affirming it’s worked for them.
The Reason That Thousands Are Switching to Silk or Satin For Their Pillowcases
There are a lot of reasons why we may be losing hair or shedding hair, but one of the factors we can easily control is what our hair is doing as we sleep. Yes, sleeping! With regards to shedding, pillowcase fabric has been shown to make a difference. Switching out the cotton pillowcase for satin or silk helps with circulation and keeps that moisture in the hair, aka no frizz, brittleness or dried-out hair by morning. Unlike other fabrics that we wear, cotton absorbs the oils from our hair and skin!

Book mark this hack for when every morning you wake up with a mane of frizzy, dry, or tangled hair — it should definitely be taken seriously!
Loose Skin Particles — Baking Soda Can Do Magic For Your Scalp
For this hack, raid the pantry and baking supplies — baking soda has been shown to work wonders in cleaning buildup off the scalp due to its high pH! By far one of the most popular usages for the baking soda hack is as a paste (mixed with water and base oils) applied to the scalp. Some combination use it with vinegar that has some antifungal properties and is, therefore, a natural remedy for dandruff.

Before attempting this baking soda trick (or a baking soda and vinegar regimen), always make sure this is right for your specific hair type!
But here’s why you should stop towel drying your face
Wet hair is much more prone to breakage than dry, as we’ve discovered. Hence why we need to take the utmost care of it when it is wet. For example, rubbing hair dry with an ordinary towel vigorously can have disastrous consequences for hair, which is extremely delicate when wet. This could be the simplest, and perhaps cheapest, hack on our list: Stop towel drying! It is much preferable to pat the hair in small sections dry instead of rubbing it or wrapping it.

Clearly superior is air-drying: with this being the pinnacle of all drying methods, there is no impact on our delicate mane, don’t be terrified to apply some gentle item to make certain curls or strands dry frizz-free.
The Worst Thing You Can Do With Your Hair After a Workout
Endorphins are pumping, great start to the day having already done an early morning yoga or cardio workout, plenty of the day still to come but hang on what do we do with our sweaty, sticky hair? Leave it there and move on to work? Shower and get to work late? Dermatologists all agree that having oils from your hair build up on your scalp can be problematic, causing your hair to become smelly or oily, and leading to scalp acne and fungal dermatitis.

Fortunately, this does not mean an entire wash is in order post each workout. At the least, even just an apple cider vinegar rinse or ‘post workout’ shampoo help with sweaty, post-workout hair and scalp, according to doctors and hairstylists. But when it comes to working out, tying your hair up or putting it in a braid helps too!
Peanut Butter Hair Culture
This sandwich staple and spread is not just for sandwiches! By applying a little bit of PB to the dry or broken ends, this user-recommended hair hack will leave your hair soft and easy to detangle. Actually, it is a soother for especially tangled hair, and people swear creamy peanut butter works. Perhaps it is due to the fact that it is full of oil and other fats, but also vitamin E is good for dry or split hair.

For your information; it is pretty thick and oily and will need several wash cycles before your peanut butter is completely washed out, not to mention that you might smell a bit like roasted peanuts for a few days after. Maybe that is not even a con again!
How Often (And How Should You Be Cleaning Your Hairbrush?)
One key thing we’ve gleaned from these hair hacks thus far (yes, even the hacks themselves) is the importance of a healthy scalp. Your brushes can get heavy with dust, oils and product residue, not to mention dead hair. Our haircare routine should always include cleaning all hair tools (yes, brushes too) – wash that hairbrush more often! Cleaning brushes does not mean to remove excess hair, it means to wash them.

Others suggest that you soak brushes in hot water along with baking soda and clarifying shampoo for about thirty minutes and then rinse and blot dry.
The One Thing You Should Never Do With Wet Hair
Every professional hair stylist agrees on one point when it comes to hair loss: wet hair gets treated terribly, terribly -and thus leads to hair loss. From wet to dry our hair has different elasticity. When wet, elasticity is at its highest– so stretching and scrunching hair when wet has a much higher likelihood of breakage!

And along with the don’t-brush-your-hair-wet mantra, there are other bad hair habits we need to keep under control: vigorously towel-drying the hair, slapping on product while soaking wet, using hot tools before the hair is really dry, and tying it up when still wet are all no-noes.
What Is ‘Hair Dusting’? Hair Stylists Weigh in on the Technique
What is hair dusting? We assure you it’s not powder, fairy dust, or dry shampoo. It’s more a technique for hair cutting used by hair fashion models when they need to remove dry split ends but defend hair length. A little hair dusting is similar to a trim but without the big impact of a total ‘haircut,’ dusting is when a stylist takes a section of hair, twists tightly and snips away any or pieces that are sticking out with scissors.

If you need your hair cut and/or the split ends zapped but don’t want any length lost (or a full-on, will-regret-this-tomorrow, read 3 weeks time, haircut), then hair dusting is just the answer.
Hair Accessories Are a No-No
To be specific, by “all that stuff,” we mean every hair accessory imaginable— clips, ties, ribbons, snaps, bobby pins, glitter-rainbow hair extensions, and the like. Metal tiara or diamante clips with teeth, hairbands, elastics or ties made of material that snags on our hair, and headbands that pull on the scalp are among the worst offenders. The pulling and pulling on the scalp from sew-in braids and wigs lead directly to thinning and breakage.

Loving the hair accessories, but concerned about the damage? Go for a scrunchie! They’re coming back in style, and all the extra fabric on a scrunchie is good for your hair. The perfect solution.
Trade Your Plastic Comb For A Wooden Comb
If we ever saw a 1 st world hair hack, this is it – say NO to the plastic comb! Plastic combs, even the small ones are not hair shafts friendly. They cause friction and static when run through the hair creating frizz, which in turn makes hair brittle. However, we aren’t not advocating entirely against combs – maybe ditch the plastic for a wooden one. Comb — Wooden combs are the easiest way to detangle hair without damaging the strands and will distribute the natural oil of the hair from root to every strand.

Bonus: The softer teeth of a wooden comb are more gentle on your scalp and hair, so you can avoid dandruff or itchy scalps.
Say No to Daily Washing
This hack isn’t a rumor, it’s a pro hairstylist hack confirmed by three hairstylists that you all have been waiting for and it’s a big one no you do not need to wash your hair every day! Everyone knows that shampoo has shampooing effect on their scalp whilst removing each of the natural oils of hair. What this does is leave our hair far less shiny, and if the hair is colored, expect those beautiful hues to wash out at twice the rate more often than not.

And more hair washing also means more drying, and more hairdryers or flat irons — tools we don’t exactly want to be using this often on our hair.
Homemade Deep Conditioners Are Cost-Effective and Works Well for Cohen for Coarser Hair
Whatever the hair type, every strand from time to time needs a deep condition and this should not go amiss! A deep condition that truly does the job, fills the hair with vitamins, and strengthens hair broke by styling products and heat. For deep conditioning, block off about 45 minutes for the entire process. To make a homemade deep conditioner, use shea butter and coconut oil mixed with essential oils like rosemary and tea tree oil.

Sustained deep conditioning prevents breakage and split ends which promote healthy hair and growth!
Keep Iron Levels High
Closely related to this hack is health advice! Iron is an essential element in the body and a lack of it in the body correlates with hair loss. Iron works in the formation of hemoglobin — that helps with oxygen transport that is vital in repairing our cells which do many things, including help in the stimulation of new hair. Iron or ferritin deficiency is more prevalent in women than men, but few will ever link hair thinning or loss to iron deficiency or what is going on internally with our body.Aug 24, 2021 However, one must not forget that the health of our body greatly offers to the health of our hair.

Vitamin C only assists your hair growth journey by boosting the absorption of iron by our body. Head on over for some oranges and tomatoes!
Hydration Hydration Hydration
Our hair requires moisture to grow, just like a plant from root to tip! Water, the all-time healthy habit to be followed in our life is that when it comes to hairs the water once more saves the gold which means a healthy scalp saves from itchiness and other dry brittle hairs and shedding. It has been demonstrated that hydrated hair is stronger, more bouncy, and shinier. Water not only promotes healthy hair, but hair growth too!

Just like water is a catalyst in the body to activate everything that makes our body do all the wonderful things it does, lack of water will also slow down hair growth and create weak or lifeless hair.
Brushing and combing gently is important (very important, in fact)
Although ‘Under a hot shower is most likely the antidote to the stress but it seems the moment we are out of a soothing bath or shower we start stressing and hurrying to get ready and out of the house. Every gal has experienced it — running a comb or brush through our long-damp strands, on occasion a bit too vigorously, and noticing that we yanked a clump of hair in our rush to comb it, out of frustration or irritation. Our hair needs to be preserved, so brushing gently, and detangling all very gently will help with that and hopefully prevent hair loss in the future.

Pro tip: So whatever the case, professional hairstylists highly recommend detangling hair starting from the ends upward – and not from roots down, which will only bring more breakage.
Protective Styling for Hair Growth
What are hairstyling methods to help hair grow? Hair that is left hanging down is FIRST HAIR OPEN TO ELEMENTS. As time progressed, women have realized that some of these ‘protective’ style can minimize how much ends your hair has showing and grow your hair in a way that not wearing it down does. A protective style for different seasons (in the winter, for example, someone wearing their hair naturally would need a protective style). Protective styles include buns, Bantu knots, cornrows, twists, chignons and other such styles.

But do those styles stimulate hair growth? The answer could be in ‘low manipulation styles’ which are more free — wigs, braids, and loose buns.
Avoid Bleaching
Fact: bleach is damaging to our hair. The chemicals in bleach seep deep into the hair shaft and dissolve our hair’s natural melanin — but it’s not just the hue of our hair that’s affected. Bleach is also known to affect the elasticity and porosity of our hair strands, which weakens and damages the hair and makes it break easily. If you do bleach and dye hair, for the love of God — be NICE to your scalp! Go to a salon expert who can apply precisely the proper level of bleach{to free without destroying your hair too much} or {fry} it!

Also, invest in solid haircare & repair – moisturizing shampoo and deep conditioning hair masks will help keep hair supple and hydrated.
Shaving off Edges Helps Faster Growth
The Story: Edges, or what People Call Baby Hairs, Have a Complicated Background in Black + Brown Hair Culture — Wear Your Hair Using gel or pomade to lay down edges and style in natural patterns dates back as far as the 1920s. But for the edges that were once slicked back to mask the naturally gorgeous curl of black or brown hair to bend to straighter, more European ideals. These days edge design is back with a vengeance in the trends of ‘haircare,’ but as the Internet is eager to offer their wisdom with shaming, some edges are just not gonna make the cut.

The shaving service for edges on the thinner side is just do it. Take the time to shave them off and let them grow back however — it’s worth the investment of time to grow back once they grow into a more healthy environment for themselves.
Trimming for Healthy Natural Growth
This may seem totally paradoxical, but to maintain hair growth, we must trim hair. Yes, exactly as it sounds! Though you might assume that each milimeter matters, they need some trimming time to time to keep growing and prevent them from weak and short. Hair has a limit — that length which hair will grow and then more or less stop. It halts because the ends are breaking down, but through trimming those damaged ends, you will support preventing your hair from breaking. on. going.

And hairstylists advocate for a trim every four months to stave off breakage and encourage growth — so book those appointments stat!
A Healthy, Balanced Diet
Mind-blowing hack for the world — that of caring for our health! Everything we eat has a direct or indirect effect on our body, and so does hair. The food we consume is vital for maintaining strong and healthy hair as well as preventing hair loss. We need Omega 3’s, fatty acids found in fish oil, to oil our hair – there it is again, lipids!! – in the case of vitamin B6 and B12, — same story with iron! — are also super vitamins for hair health.

Doctors have mentioned that most of us don’t have a sufficient amount of protein in the diet — protein is a major part on how healthy and strong your hair can be, so it’s time to fix that shopping list!!
Conditioner for Life
When the goal is to grow your hair or grow it long, there is one haircare non-negotiable in the hair tips pantheon that must never, EVER be bypassed: conditioner! It is also no miracle hair growth potion in the making, but conditioner goes a long way in improving hair quality and appearance. It is the yin to the shampoo’s yang; it is the partner in crime that comes after shampoo — the product that can rid your scalp and hair of build-up. Then conditioner comes to the rescue, fortifying and softening strands with moisture and nutrients.

Conditioner is sort of a sealant that protects – check ingredients in conditioner for balance and scent compatibility with your hair.
Remove Stress From Your Life for Healthy Hair
Less stress can also be good for your hair! Direct connections have been made between stress hormones and hair loss in mice — or to put it another way, the ‘resting’ phase of hair growth that hair follicles enter when hairs stop growing. Severe stress, they say, “shoves” the hair follicles into the rest phase – a period when hair falls off – and some also argue that extreme stress can be one of the reasons behind severe alopecia.

If someone does lose hair due to increased stress, it is not all lost — the hair growth pattern can change back, with hair follicles being stimulated out of the dormant part of the hair cycle.
Shower Cap at Bedtime
Shower cap one of the cheapest and easiest hacks out there when it comes to hair growth and preventing hair loss. The end generates a lot of natural heat, which for sleeping in is good when it comes to hair growth, so wear a shower cap overnight. In a similar manner, shower caps come in very hand for a deep condition, just wear it and go on about your day. Shower caps are a tried-and-true method to prevent breakage while we sleep (read: softer, stronger, healthier hair).

And, if there’s a particular ‘do or styling that needs to be preserved, shower cap lined with cotton will keep your style sweat- and humidity-free overnight.