Essential Tips for Women Thriving on Their Own

Build Friendships with Your Neighbors
A good relationship with your neighbors is a big enhancer to you feeling safe as a woman living alone. Making friends creates a community where grant neighbors pay themselves attention. Share contact information with your trusted neighbors and notify them when you will be away for travel or an extended period of time. They are also peace of mind that someone whom you can trust is watching over your property to ensure there are no suspicious movements.

In the same manner, look out for their interests and help them when needed, cultivating a safe community feeling.
If You Have Data, Beware of Sharing It Online
So this is the reason why women of every age group especially those living alone need to be careful about what they are posting online in this digital world. As easy as it is to connect with people via social media, sharing too much information can lead to very dangerous situations. Never create a public profile with your address or daily movements or travel plans. This kind of information can be misused by burglars and stalkers that want to follow you, and then pick the right moment to attack. Set your social media accounts to private and regularly review your privacy settings, limiting who has access to your personal information.

Your online privacy is part of the safety you need as well, so do not forget about it.
Never Leave the Mail Outside During Daytime
Safety begins with yourself, move the mail after sunrise and keep your home intact as well. Mail in your mailbox left overnight is a sign to potential intruders that you are not home, making it an easier target for burglaries. When you do collect your mail for throughout the day, it appears that you live in the home and decreases odds of being if a burglar realizes.

Also, if you are going to be gone for a while, make sure to ask a trustworthy neighbor or friend to pick up your mail and keep the house looking lived in.
“Head Directly to a Police Station If You Suspect You’re Being Followed”
In case you feel that someone is right behind you, act immediately to ensure your safety. For the sake of your safety, if you are a woman alone do not go home directly and go to somewhere where there are people —such as a police station. In public spaces, there are other people and authorities to act as a buffer of protection. Important things to focus on are trying your best to remember the makeup of the car that is following you, maybe even attempting to write down their license plate.

This is useful information for law enforcement if further proceedings are warranted (hopefully not).
“Keep Essentials on Your Bedside Table While You Sleep”
This is critical when it comes to personal safety, but being prepared while you sleep will help! And if you are a female who lives alone, get into the habit of keeping these items on your nightstand within reach. Things such as a working mobile phone or a personal alarm that can be set off if there is an emergency Being able to access these items can give you security that you can quickly call for help or deter a threat.

And, in case of brownouts, you can carry a flashlight in order to move freely through the place.
“Leave a Light On When You Leave the House for Added Security”
When travelling, leaving a light on can give the semblance that somebody is home, which can prevent burglars. Try timers or smart bulbs to set your lights on a schedule so it looks like you are home. Put lights in various rooms to replicate the typical daily and nightly patterns of indoor occupancy. Also, leaving a porch light on can help you see where it is going and make your home look more inviting to neighbours or passersby.

A brightly lit house also promotes security and so reduces the chances of burglary or unwanted attention appearing.
“Have a Friend Present When Servicemen Are Working in Your Home”
It is always better to have a close friend or family member around when service providers/ repairmen need access into your home. Having a buddy helps not only with emotional support but the extra layer of protection against something potentially harmful or at least misunderstood. If you cannot get a friend to come with you, tell someone close to you when your appointment is and who it is with include all contact details.

You will most definitely be safe during the visit with these trusted individuals, but an extra precaution never hurt.
“Install Motion-Sensor Lights Outside to Deter Intruders”
Another way to increase security for women living alone is installing motion-sensor lights all around your property. These lights turn on automatically when they detect movement, so if someone is trying to break into your house and walking by, these lights flick on stopping them in their tracks as well as letting you know that something is going outside of the home. Motion-sensor lights should be used near entry points, pathways, and dark corners to ensure maximum coverage. In addition to offering you extra protection, they allow you to find your way around your house after dark.

LED lights are more durable and cost-effective in terms of utilising power.
“Invest in a Voice-Activated Assistant for Emergency Situations”
If a woman lives alone, she may improve her security and convenience by using a voice-activated assistant, for example Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. These devices can be controlled by voice commands to do a number of different things like controlling smart home devices, setting reminders, and weather forecasts. Link compatible smart home devices, including but not limited to your smart lock and security cameras, to control and monitor your home.

Plus, if things go awry, you can ask for help or trigger the odds and ends hands-free to give you the quickest response to an emergency.
“Keep Your Living Situation Private (Especially on Social Media)”
For the ladies out there who live alone, it is wise to keep your housing situation on the down low — on social media and in general. Take it easy when posting the details of your life online and keep the solo-living status under wraps. Sharing excessive personal details can almost inadvertently attract a locharacter to you. So just chill and keep those information private to be secure. I think there are definitely exceptions where it is OK to share, but for the most part you should probably not.

You never allow anybody to see you as being “all on your own”, and having them be able to read that data is not a good thing, due to social media.
“Attach Noisy Items to Your Door Handles for Added Security”
For example, putting noisy items like bells or wind chimes on your door handles is a basic security measure you can take to be safer at home. Smart and simple, but can be the difference in keeping your room secure. These little noise-makers can notify you in the event that anyone attempts to meddle with your door knobs. Just select the lightweight items which will not add excess weight to your handles and place them in such a manner that they can make some noise – if somebody does any foul play.

I know, it makes you think of something your grandma or the store on the corner does…but having your own personal alarm directly at the front door for very little is pretty tasty!
“Always Carry Self-Defense Tools, Such as Pepper Spray”
Women staying alone can feel a sense of relief with this sort of self-defense things (e.g., pepper spray, a self-defense keychain). These portable devices are light, easy to carry and can stop attackers in their tracks while giving the victim precious seconds to escape. Know how to use your self-defence products, where you can carry them and keep some in the house too.

Keep in mind, self-defense tools are just a last resort and you should never put your personal safety at risk by not using the tool responsibly or judiciously when an attack arises.
“Consider Getting a Dog for Personal Protection”
Buy your dog.string1 furry friend, string2 added protection for the ladies living alone. Dogs are not just your loyal and loving friends, they also make great security systems that can keep intruders away. With their impeccable senses, they can protect your household as well. Small breed dogs can also alert you to strange sounds or movement making any situation feel a little safer.

Pick a dog breed appropriate for your home (and life) and spend as much time on training and socialization as you can stand, and protection will come with it.
“Change the Locks When You Move Into a New Home”
Oh, the new digs? Awesome! But just one note: better change those locks tonight. Many people — most of whom you probably do not want to know in the first place — likely have keys to your spot; former occupants, your landlord, even the maintenance staff. Also, invest in some high-quality locks and perhaps consider upgrading to those fancy smart ones for added peace of mind. Change those locks first thing when you move in and sleep a lot easier knowing your home is safe.

Tenant probably just handed keys back beforehand but you never know what sort of nutters you’re likely to bump into x
“Keep Your Vacation Plans Private”
A NOTE ON SHARING YOUR VACATION PLANS: If you smoke solo, it is not a bad way to proceed carefully with your Thanksgiving plans. Mentioning your absence on a social media profile, or even to local friends, can end up being an inadvertent alert system for potential torchers that you own property is empty and vulnerable. Instead, tell a trustworthy person such as your close friends, family members, or neighbor that you are going on a trip. Ask them to watch your home and consider adding some security measures — such as timed lights or short-term home monitoring services for the appearance of being home, so anyone stalking your house will think twice about breaking in.

Facebook/Philip Ridgway – Live with Intention
When you travel, avoiding telling people about it helps in the protection of your home and properties.
“Invest in a Personal Safety Alarm”
A personal safety alarm is an advantage in upcoming home security since it alerts people when you are in an extreme situation and also helps call for help when needed. Personal safety alarms are noise-making devices that create a loud sound to attract passersby through the area, even from blocks away when activated. They draw attention and may scare off any attacker or aggressive person considering hurting you! Whenever you need to walk alone, travel to an unknown area or do any activities which require the safety alarm then carry a personal safety alarm device with you. It is suggested that you keep it handy and easy to use!

Most all these are small and extremely portable as a result of that you should connect or slot in your purse when outside alone.
“Keep Friends and Family Updated on Your Whereabouts”
You stick together with your friends and family, if it is a ride-or-die situation though. Update them once in a while with your life details. Tell them about plans, schedule, and digits so they know how to reach out to you. Make time to check in with everyone on a regular basis to ensure they are comfortable and safe! In short, when things are about to turn ugly, knowing who your squad is can prove life-saving. Stay in touch, support each other as needed and have each others’ backs.

It gives you more peace of mind knowing that someones watching your back on a day-to-day basis even if it does nothing to actually protect you.
“Store Spare Keys in a Hidden and Secure Location”
So make sure you are clever about where you put a spare key. Forget hiding it under the doormat or in a flowerpot, burglars are aware of all the obvious spots. Be a little creative with where you hide, or get a proper key lock box to secure it. If you want to feel secure, stay one step ahead of potential intruders and keep your home safe and sound.

If they are trying to break in bad people will look all of the standard places such that you want to ensure that keys cannot be located, even by a resourceful person.
“Keep Outdoor Lights On Throughout the Night”
For a single woman living in her own house, it makes sense to leave her outdoor lights on all night. Use motion-activated lights, or place timers on lamps to illuminate your paths and doorways. This way, you scare away unwanted guests and monitor good. For dimming the bills and brightening your space, LED bulbs are the king of the camp. You shed light on your outdoors, so there is no doubt — we do not engage in shady affairs!

Safety and security starts, literally, at home and if turning on the outside lights is part of that equation then so be it.
“Meet Your Date in a Public Place Instead of Having Them Pick You Up at Home”
On a date, always be sure to meet in public, not that person picking you up from home. Public locations are often safer and more controllable environments that afford you the opportunity to evaluate an individual in a neutral space. Pick general public places such as cafes, restaurants or entertainment venues for initial meetings which are well lit and busy. Tell a trusted friend or family member where you are going and plans to come home, and if possible, arrange for your own transportation to the meeting place as well.

This one is vital for the first dates. You can hopefully have some trust after a few dates, but there is no need to take that risk too early.
“Draw All Your Curtains at Night for Privacy”
If you live alone, drawing those curtains or blinds at night helps create a snug atmosphere and increase privacy as well as security during the night. Keep those outside snoops from looking in and getting a measuring stick on your shit. Shut ’em up good and tight in every location, specifically the facing street or different residences. The right solution for more privacy and to prevent too much light is blackout curtains or shades.

At the end of the day, feeling secure and cozy in your space with no unwanted eyes looking in when the sun comes down.
“Avoid Following a Predictable Routine”
Women living alone must always avoid an apparent routine where safety is concerned. Keeping a routine is often helpful in day to day life, but if you want to avoid the potential of becoming someone else’s target (like a criminal), then the best thing for you to do is change up your routine. You can obfuscate your movements by making simple changes in your travel and daily activities. Another point to avoid sharing your whereabouts on social media is essential because it prevents strangers from knowing your schedule too well.

Cue the unpredictability which is a red flag in itself for those living alone women to protect themselves with.
“Always Lock Your Car Doors and Avoid Posting Your License Plate Online”
Keeping your car door locked at all times seems like something so basic that it should go without saying, but women living by themselves need to hear it again and again. Get in the habit of locking your doors when you get in and out of your car — no matter where you are or how long you’ll be there. By keeping your windows closed and hiding any valuables inside, you will deter opportunist theft or vandalism. Above all, be aware of your surroundings — in parking lots or garages or unfamiliar neighborhoods where the potential for danger is increased.

I know it sounds so simple and almost completely absurd, but still, you will be surprised at how many times about just locking the door can do when it comes to safety and protection.
“Enroll in Self-Defense Classes”
Self-defense classes are a great idea to prepare yourself for anything that might happen. It prepares women who are living on their own with techniques and skills that they can use to protect themselves if the need arises. Uncovering ways to identify risks & finding your way out of a hold can help in boosting confidence and give you the feeling of empowerment. Find local classes or workshops with experienced teachers or community groups. And keep in mind, self-defense training is an investment in your protection and peace of mind.

Choice of self-defense classes these days is plenty too from jiu-jitsu to krav maga, the list goes on.
“Store Your Valuables in Discreet and Secure Locations”
Home security tips all around use protecting your valuable property as an important step in keeping them safe from theft or burglary. Store items such as jewelry, electronics and important documents out of sight and locked away. Purchase a gun safe or lockbox to secure guns and other valuables, and have hidden compartments, plus diversion safes. If you have visitors, or someone who’s bringing a parcel to you, never leave things unattended or exposed.

You dont her at Hermit Facility you want people coming in and out of your house to see all the things you own of value which take up space for why. They are better off thinking you have nothing.
Lock the Door Right Away Behind You
One of the simplest yet effective security practices for a woman living alone is to make it a rule to lock your door as soon as you enter or leave your home. Make sure that all entry points like doors and windows are tightly closed to avoid unnecessary entry. The use of deadbolts and strike plates can help protect your doors from being forced open. Get in the habit of confirming that locks are all secure before going to bed or leaving the house unattended.

Focusing on the basic security measures will help you set up a robust line of defence from any kind of threat and lead to a safe place to live.
“Check the Peephole Before Opening the Door”
Use the peephole or a window to identify who is at the door and what they want before opening to anyone. Never answer the door for an unknown or unexpected person, particularly at night or if you are home alone. When someone says that they are from a service or delivery company, ask for identification or contact the company to check if the person is real before admittance. Believe your gut and err on the side of caution when dealing with strangers — keep safety first!

This means better safety from threats and intrusions in their homes due to the fact that you will remain cautious and assess your visitors before opening the door.
Get a Security Camera
Surveillance or camera with a robust security system is something which is good for women who stay alone. New security systems come with high-tech functions like motion detection, smartphone integration, and round-the-clock monitoring service. Use both outdoor and indoor security cameras to make sure you can monitor exactly what happens around you all the time. Also, post signs advertising a security system on your property to discourage potential burglars. It makes for good deterrence because no one wants to find themselves on the wrong side of a law even though in reality this is probably not going to help them so much if something does happen.

These features provide you with peace of mind, allowing you to view your camera feeds from afar and receive instant alerts about unusual activity on your property, keeping a close eye on your home.
“Save Emergency Contacts on Speed Dial”
It’s even more important to have those contacts at the ready if you’re alone, as they may save your life. Get your family, friends, neighbors (that you trust), doctors, emergency services. Take their numbers and make sure you put them away somewhere where they are easily accessible. You really don’t wanna be stumbling when this turns challenging. Put those numbers in your phone (in contacts), your wallet or stuck to the fridge where you can see it easily. Write everything; names, numbers, addresses and any special instructions or medical information.

So if they do throw you the odd curve ball, by having those contacts close to hand you’re providing yourself with that back up needed helping you to steer through in one piece and feeling safe.
Always Have an Emergency Plan
READ MORE: A guide to safety for women living aloneBorn a generation apart, and no use other than keeping it in your (emergency) little pink purse, preparing and practicing an emergency plan is as crucial as anything else in making sure youre safe out there when you need some familiarity of the things happening around you. Recognize potential threats and establish a specific process that discusses how to respond in case of emergencies — be it fire, medical emergency or iceberg. Share your emergency plan with designated contacts, family members, friends and neighbors to make sure they are all aware of their responsibilities. Part of your emergency plan you need to regularly review and update is;

If emergencies occur one day, whether in life or at work, being prepared would now be on your hands.
Keep Your Trees Neatly Trimmed for Best Visibility
Having a well-lit perimeter around your home is important for safety, even more so if you are a woman living alone. Hiding spots for unwanted intruders are one reason to trim up overgrown trees and shrubs. For example, if your backyard is filled with thick plants and foliage that obscures your view of the outside world, trimming could also be beneficial in that respect as well because it keeps you aware of what may be happening around you at all times. Ensuring that bushes and branches around windows, doors and pathways are trimmed regularly, eliminating a hidding place ── while also making movement easier to observe. Surroundings that are bright and shine will frighten away any risk or strangers lurking near your property as well as seeking for someone else to rob.

Keep your garden clean and well-kept regularly to maximise the safety. But that can also refer to the bushes, any of the shrubbery
Keep Your Keys on Your Bedside Table
Having them right there on your bedside table is like a safety net if the worst comes to pass, such as burglary or an medical emergency. As long as they are within arm’s reach, but not likely to be wandering away on their own. And why not put a personal alarm or flashlight on your keychain, too? This will have a way out and illumination.

Retaining your keys close to you as you catch some Z’s gives yourself that extra layer of protection and peace of mind for whatever could be thrown at you.
Have a Landline, Not Just a Cellphone
Though cellphones are handy, a landline can be an important safety net for women that live on their own. Mobile networks often fail during emergencies, so if you need assistance, you may not get a network signal to call for help. Having a landline helps in situations that require a quick response. Moreover, landlines can be traced more accurately by emergency services, which means they can help you sooner. What about putting a landline at home among your beloved safety measures?

We hope you never need to use it but knowing you have insurance out there could be a good solace in your heart.
Have a First Aid Kit Handy
Safety first for solo living ladies. There is one thing that every home should have and it is a bottled first aid kit. Accidents can happen any time & therefore the basic medical supplies can make a difference when it comes to the right treatment at that moment. Always have your kit on hand and include bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze pad and adhesive tapes, scissors and pain relievers. Keep your stock replenished to be prepared for any situation.

A wise advise for all those who live alone, primarily for women. Therefore, anyone reading this list should consider it.
Be Careful When Answering the Door
Here is a most significant pet peeve safety tip for women living alone dealing with answering the door. Never open the door to a stranger, and never let someone inside without verifying their identity first — peepholes and doorbell cameras come in handy for knowing who is knocking at your front door. If you have any doubts or apprehensions about the individual, it is always best not to open the door.

If you feel unsafe, call the cops. Safety first, that is a priority.
Always Stay Aware
For a woman living alone it is essential to maintain situational awareness. Finally, be aware of your surroundings when you are indoors out of doors and believe in your instincts —especially if something appears to be like naturat however not proper. Paying close to some of the apparent strangers in the community and strange behaviour as well as reporting any apprehensive behaviour pronto to police departments or metropolis watch schemes. If you walk solo or in secluded areas, limit distractions like headphones or even your mobile device.

Being aware of your surroundings gives you the ability to recognize risk factors ahead of time, giving you the opportunity to take preventative measures and keep yourself safe.
“Prepare a ‘Get Up and Go’ Bag to Stay Prepared”
As a single person, my space saving superhero kit involves getting what I call a “get up and go” bag. Add in what you need — spare clothes, toiletries, meds, important documents, cash and emergency contacts — leave it all together in a backpack. Every storm is different, so take the general outline and put your own spin on it to suit where you live and what sort of crisis you face. Store that bag where it’s easy to grab, close to exits / safe zones of your house.

With this pack at the ready, you can hit the ground running almost in an instant and prepare to deal with whatever surprises life has for you.
“Maintain Privacy with Your Personal Information, Especially Your Address”
Especially when you live alone, it is very important to keep your personal information safe, especially your address. Give it only to people whom you truly trust and be smart about giving it. If you really want to be careful, dont post it on social media or anywhere that a passerby can see. But this is specifically important for you address, don’t send this to any human soul unless if you’re really out of options!

Wikimedia Commons/Beyond My Ken
Remember, your safety comes first, so do keep this address as close to your chest as possible and only give it out when absolutely necessary for your own peace of mind.
Avoid Walking Alone at Night
Should women living alone avoid going out alone, particularly in the evening to minimise the risk of falling into dangerous situations. Stay safe and sound by trying to ride partner or arrange when in less familiar areas or darker after sunset. So with that in mind, if you are going out in some of the neighborhoods that are a little more on the sketchy side you need to be especially careful.

It super sucks that women need to be paranoid about something as simple as walking home after dark on their own, but better safe than sorry.
“Choose a Safe Neighborhood for Your Home”
Living alone, women should preferably be in a safe neighbourhood. Explore crime statistics, nearby features, and local facilities to determine how safe a prospective region is or if it meets your needs in other respects. Choose neighborhoods with community watch programs active, well-lit streets pedestrian traffic and where police services or emergency response are always easy to access. Try to go a couple of times at different hours of the day so that you can feel how the area is and if it feels safe.

It’s perhaps a little pricier, but if there’s any way you can swing it, you can’t go wrong with seeking out space in a safer area — especially when searching for apartments.