Does Dairy Trigger Acne? Exploring the Connection


What The Researches Say

Well, to start from the very beginning, what is acne? If a pore gets blocked with dirt, dead skin cells, or oil, inflammation occurs, resulting in pimples or acne. If we remember this definition, then we will further move to understand how dairy products cause acne.

What The Researches Say


Milk & Acne

It induces inflammationincluding from cow’s milk. How?

All milk we buy at our grocery store down the street is from dairy cows that are given synthetic hormones to boost their milk production. Those hormones then combine with testosterone (yes ladies have testosterone in their body too) that will already be in your blood stream because of having consumed things such as the milk. All of this can lead to hormonal shifts that trigger the dreaded breakouts. On top of that, even adult human beings often have difficulty digesting lactose — the sugar found in milk. Lactose sensitivity or allergic reactions might be the reason you have an acne breakout, if you are like the rest of the 65% of lactose-intolerant people out here. One theory suggests that combining dairy products with a Western diet low in fiber and high in refined foods and processed sugars disrupts insulin levels, causing the skin to be more prone to acne.

Milk & Acne


Cheese & Acne

Some studies suggested the link to acne by milk and icecream, and yogurt and cheese is in the range of dairy products that have no links to acne. This is precisely why proving dairy products to be the culprits of acnes is so difficult, that scientists are still puzzled as to why, the cheese does not beget acnes. However, the theory does mention that hard cheese has lower lactose content than milk (which means it is a safer option).

Cheese & Acne


Tips To Soothe Acne Breakout

If your skin is suffering from an acne breakout due to dairy products then here is what you can do to soothe your skin.

  • Hurry to the nearest drugstore and buy a drug in the pharmacy. Notice that the treatments are the alpha hydroxyl acids and the salicylic acid that help clean the pedicle.
  • Take a little coconut oil and add to it some drops of orange, cinnamon, tea tree, rose or sweet basil oil. Apply it onto the skin as an acne treatment. Coconut oil is a great carrier oil, which contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, to help treat acne.
  • Refrain using oil based cleansers and beauty products until the breakout has gone away. The main thing you should be focused on is keeping the skin dry and ensuring that your pores can breathe and recover. In general, opt for water-based makeup remover and oil-free cleansers if you have a tendency to break out.
  • And, just as your friends and family have probably told you, squeezing an acne pimple is not the best way to get rid of it. Actually, when you pick an acne spot you are adding more bacteria from your hands to your skin, and this prolongs the acne. After trying OTCs as well as DIYs, also give enough time to your skin to heal, so hang in there for a bit.
Tips To Soothe Acne Breakout


What Else Causes An Acne Breakout?

If you have serious doubts about dairy being the culprit behind your acne flares, go on an elimination diet. Eliminate Dairy: Give Up Dairy for a Month Skincare. If you are in the wrong and milk is not what is causing acne, then there are many other causes of a breakout. Acne can be triggered by change in hormone levels, allergy to make up or hair products, allergic to certain ingredients like coffee beans or cocoa, period cycle and so on. And yes, there is also a well-known link between stress and acne. So possibly even outside factors could be in the game too.

What Else Causes An Acne Breakout?


The Key Takeaway

Studies have shown that in certain cases, dairy foods worsened acne. But then, not everyone is blessed with a common skin type. Additionally, acne will not always have to do with dairy products. So, it is well worth the few weeks of experimentation with your diet in order to see if dairy products do actually make a difference to the condition of your skin. If the acne keeps on appearing and reappearing, then also it can be n reconciling a health problem. Therefore please, don´t just discount or neglect your acne

The Key Takeaway


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